Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our Simplified Summer Saturday 

This morning we took the liberty of finally sleeping in on a Saturday. No ball game to rush out to, no major project around the house, just simple family time. 

 So we sauntered over to the local Farmer's market and picked up fresh picked blackberries, some tomatoes and cukes from the sweet man who always has fruit snacks for the kids whether you buy from him or not (you guessed it - we always do!), Pink House Farm sausage raised right down the road by a great family, the best cinnamon rolls ever, from a top notch local fourth grade teacher ...does it get any better than this?  

I didn't think so until we stopped by our local Southern States Co-op to get some sweet feed for our Alpacas when we found out it was Dairy Day!  The kids got to go in and cuddle with the calves (yup right in the store-dang left the phone in the car), snack a mini cowtail candy, and enter to win the "Got Milk" gift basket.  Yes, it is days like these that I'm reminded how grateful I am for small town USA living?

Who's with me?  

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