Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rainy Day Fun!



Kids screaming around the house using each other for target practice.....think think think.....HEY WHO WANTS TO MAKE S'MORES? Hmm that got their attention.  Connor actually replied "In the rain?  I do! I do!" Really son really...no not in the rain.  Ok here we go!

There are a bunch of versions of this floating around on Pinterest that you might want to try. I'm not sure whose recipe this actually is but kudos to the creator...here's our humble take on it.  :0)

Shopping List

  • 1 box of graham crackers (go cheap you are adding butter it won't make a difference)
  • 1 bag of miniature marshmallows
  • 16 oz package of chocolate chips of choice (we used Nestle Chunks)
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter (yes butter- yummmm)
From the Pantry
  • Cookie Sheet
  • Foil
  • Cooking Spray
Steps to Success
A great summer reading activity is reading recipes! Time to let the kids take over - this is kid language below.  P.S. There are no pictures...you have to read and imagine!  Read the entire recipe before you begin.  What kitchen tools do you need to use? How can you group your ingredients? 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Line a cookie sheet with foil.  Make sure it is long enough to come up over the edge on each side of the pan.  After the s'mores cook you are going to lift the bars out of the cookie sheet - now is a good time to volunteer to clean up since - there is no clean up :0)

3.  Spray the foil with cooking spray

4. Arrange the graham crackers along the bottom of the cookie sheet. Break them only if you need to fill a space. The entire bottom of the cookie sheet should be covered with graham crackers. 

5.  Measure out the butter 3/4 c - great time for a math lesson.  
You need 3/4 cup of butter. Look at a stick of butter. It says 4 tbs is 1/4 cup. How many table spoons do you need? 3 sets of 4 or 3 X 4 right...12 tbs. Count that out now look at it again.  1/4c or 4 tbs is 1/2 stick. You needed 3 half sticks or 1 and a half sticks of butter.  Hmm I could have said that in the recipe but math is so much more fun!

Now you need the help of an adult to use a butter knife and use of the stove.

6.  Cut the butter into small chunks and place in a small sauce pan.

7.  Add to the sauce pan 3/4 cup packed brown sugar.  Packed means to pack it down into the measuring cup with our hand. When you dump it, it will look like a part of a sand castle!

8.  Turn on the stove and melt the butter and brown sugar together.  

9.  Ok, really now an adult has to do this...CAREFULLY pour the HOT mixture evenly over the graham crackers.  

10.  Bake in the oven for about 5 minutes or until bubbly.  Keep an eye on it. I ran up to switch the laundry and my ours is a little crispy.  Once you see bubbles pull it out of the oven.

11.  Sprinkle with the marshmallows and chocolate chunks.

12.  Put back into the oven for 2-3 minutes or until marshmallows are a little brown.  

13.  Take out and let cool (this is the hardest part...waiting!)  The marshmallows will get less puffy when it cools making it easier to cut.

14.  When cool...grab the ends of the foil and lift out of the pan.  Place on a cutting board and cut into squares.  

Sit back and enjoy!  

Tell us how yours come out.  What kind of chocolate did you use?  Comment below and let us know!

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