Thursday, August 1, 2013

Memory Builders

The second week in July consisted of unpacking and repacking for another trip to NY with a few swim dates smooshed in there.  For our second 10 hour car ride in 4 days we realized we really needed to break up the trip and stop as much as possible to let the kids run around and tire out!

When I was a little girl my mom always packed a picnic lunch wherever we went and we would have roadside picnics all over Upstate New York and much of Vermont!  "Memory Builders" she would say when we asked why we couldn't go to McDonalds.  At the time, eating a sandwich and chips in the middle of winter from the back of the car was less than appealing, but she was right we have always remembered it!  Obviously it wasn't for the "fun of it" but we got to go so many places because of her thifty Memory Builders.

Here is a quick glance at our Road Trip Memory Builder  :)

counting tree rings after our picnic

We packed a picnic of cheese, crackers, and fruit (okay okay we also stopped off an exit and got some pizza to go geesh I tried :0),
and thanks to iMaps searched our location and looked for a park nearby.  We didn't find a park but we did find a picnic pull off with the entrance to some PA State Park Trails.  It was perfect and the drive to it was gorgeous.

We ate, we ran around, we threw the ball and we got back in the car.  Definitely a MEMORY BUILDER!  Thanks Mom for teaching me to slow down and remember what is important.  My kids will definitley remember this over the McDonalds drive through!

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